stdClass Object ( [id] => 1606 [parent_id] => 1582 [site_id] => 6 [account_id] => 10 [rank] => 14 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [format_type] => listFormat [format_id] => [name] => 採用情報 詳細 [catch] => [comment] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [directory_name] => structuring [template_name] => 1column_nocontainer_fixedFormat.tpl [url] => [page_limit] => 20 [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-10-22 13:37:53 [created_date] => 2024-01-12 14:18:27 [site_directory] => imamura-general [domain] => [uri] => /var/www/html/site/imamura-general/about-hospital/recruitment/structuring [structures] => host\cms\repository\pageStructureRepository Object ( [_status] => 1 [_message] => [_valid] => [_invalid] => [_lastId] => [select:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => ps.*, m.module_theme, m.module_type, m.template, as account_name [from:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => page_structure_tbl ps LEFT JOIN m_page_module_tbl m ON ps.module_id = LEFT JOIN account_tbl ac ON ps.account_id = [where:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => ps.delete_kbn IS NULL [1] => ps.site_id = :site_id [2] => ps.navigation_id = :navigation_id [3] => ps.release_kbn = :release_kbn AND (ps.release_start_date IS NULL || DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%Y-%m-%d') >= DATE_FORMAT(ps.release_start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')) AND (ps.release_end_date IS NULL || DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%Y-%m-%d') <= DATE_FORMAT(ps.release_end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')) ) ) [value:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [:site_id] => 6 [:navigation_id] => 1606 [:release_kbn] => 1 ) [page] => 0 [limit] => [order:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => ps.rank ASC [group_by:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_separator:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [json_decode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [rowNumber] => 1 [totalNumber] => 1 [pageNumber] => 0 [pageRange] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [row] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 3617 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [module_id] => 405 [account_id] => 5 [rank] => 0 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [name] => 採用情報テンプレート(2024) [html] => undefined [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-04-17 19:48:51 [created_date] => 2024-04-17 19:48:51 [module_theme] => default [module_type] => template [template] => list_recruitment_structuring.tpl [account_name] => 島名 [data] => stdClass Object ( ) ) ) [post] => [id] => [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [module_id] => [release_kbn] => 1 [site_uri] => [preview_page_post] => [preview_structure_post] => ) [elements] => host\cms\repository\pageRepository Object ( [_status] => 1 [_message] => [_valid] => [_invalid] => [_lastId] => [select:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => p.*, n.directory_name, n.parent_id [from:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => page_tbl p LEFT JOIN page_content_tbl c ON p.site_id = c.site_id AND = c.page_id LEFT JOIN navigation_tbl n ON p.site_id = n.site_id AND p.navigation_id = [where:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => p.delete_kbn IS NULL AND c.delete_kbn IS NULL [1] => p.site_id = :site_id [2] => p.navigation_id = :navigation_id [3] => p.release_kbn = :release_kbn AND (p.release_start_date IS NULL || now() >= p.release_start_date) AND (p.release_end_date IS NULL || now() <= p.release_end_date) ) ) [value:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [:site_id] => 6 [:navigation_id] => 1606 [:release_kbn] => 1 ) [page] => 0 [limit] => 20 [order:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => p.release_start_date DESC [group_by:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_separator:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [json_decode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [rowNumber] => 20 [totalNumber] => 32 [pageNumber] => 2 [pageRange] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 ) [row] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2354 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 59 [rank] => 0 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-09-11 13:54:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 保育士または保育補助(正職員)[今村総合病院 企業主導型保育所 さんさんすまいる] [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-12 16:00:42 [created_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=2354 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 68999 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => Array ( [7] => その他 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 69000 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 69001 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 69002 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 保育士または保育補助 ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 雇用形態 [2] => 正職員 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 保育士 あれば尚可 ※子育て支援員の研修受講者(あれば尚可) ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 年齢 [2] => 59歳以下 ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 ・企業主導型保育所における保育業務及び保育補助業務 ・その他付随する業務 【変更の範囲】  法人の定める業務  ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => 【給与】  基本給:160,000円~224,640円  その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円、通勤手当:上限50,000円、扶養手当等 【昇給】  定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) 【賞与】  病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】  今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】  法人の定める病院・施設 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => (1)7:30~16:30 (2)8:00~17:00 (3)9:30~18:30 ※(1)~(3)の交替制 ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [9] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与(エプロン、下ジャージ) ) [10] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => 病院見学やその他のお問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課  担当:福留(099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 69003 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 69004 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 69025 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => /datas/page/2354/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 69005 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 69006 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 69007 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 69008 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 69009 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => 160000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 69010 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => 224640 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 69011 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 69012 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 69013 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 69014 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 69015 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 69016 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 69017 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 69018 [page_id] => 2354 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] => ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] => ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2353 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 59 [rank] => 1 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-09-11 10:53:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 看護師(パート) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-10-07 14:36:56 [created_date] => 2024-09-11 13:37:39 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=2353 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 68958 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => Array ( [2] => 看護職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 68959 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 68960 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 68961 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 看護師 ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 雇用形態 [2] => パート ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 看護師国家資格 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 年齢 [2] => 不問 ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => ◉病棟または外来における看護業務 ・その他付随する業務 変更範囲:法人の定める業務 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => 【給与】  基本給:1,240円~1,500円  その他:住宅手当・扶養手当は、パート職員就業規則の規定に該当する場合は支給 【昇給】  定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(4月実施) 【賞与】  病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年2回実施(6月・12月) ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】  今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】  法人の定める病院・施設 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 【日勤】8:30 ~ 17:30 ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※勤務時間についてはご相談ください。 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => ◉年次有給休暇:勤務形態に応じて付与 ◉特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、介護休業制度等 ) [9] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ◉社会保険制度:労働〔雇用(週20時間以上)・労災〕保険 ◉任意制度:鹿児島県病院企業年金基金(社会保険加入者のみ)等 ◉保育所・病児保育あり  ◉職員寮あり(女性限定)  ◉ユニフォーム貸与 ) [10] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => 病院見学やその他のお問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 今村総合病院 看護部長 中谷(099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 68962 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 68963 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 68984 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => /datas/page/2353/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 68964 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 68965 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 68966 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => HOUR [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 68967 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 68968 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => 1240 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 68969 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => 1500 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 68970 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => Array ( [2] => PART_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 68971 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 68972 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 68973 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 68974 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 68975 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 68976 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 68977 [page_id] => 2353 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>看護師 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] => ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2284 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 59 [rank] => 3 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-08-14 15:51:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 管理栄養士(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-08-14 16:10:31 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=2284 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 63358 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => Array ( [4] => 医療技術職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 63359 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 63360 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 63361 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 管理栄養士 ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 雇用形態 [2] => 正職員 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 年齢制限あり(59歳以下) 管理栄養士免許 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => ◎病院における栄養管理・給食管理業務(調理・盛り付け等の厨房内業務はありません) ◎その他、付随する業務 変更範囲:法人の定める業務 ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => 【給与】  基本給:185,000円~233,360円   その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 【昇給】  定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) 【賞与】  病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 【変形労働時間制(1ヶ月単位)】  (1)7時00分〜16時00分  (2)8時30分〜17時30分  (3)9時00分〜18時00分  (4)10時00分〜19時00分   ※(1)~(4)の交替制勤務になります。 【休憩時間】   60分 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [9] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => 病院見学やその他のお問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課  担当:福留(099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 63362 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 63363 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 63364 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => /datas/page/2284/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 63365 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 63366 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 63367 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 63368 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 63369 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => 185000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 63370 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => 233360 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 63371 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 63372 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 63373 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 63374 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 63375 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => 管理栄養士 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 63376 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 63377 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 63378 [page_id] => 2284 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>管理栄養士(正職員) ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>管理栄養士 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2239 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 36 [rank] => 7 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-07-19 14:58:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 栄養士・調理師・調理員(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 16:22:12 [created_date] => 2024-07-19 15:38:15 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=2239 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 62151 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => Array ( [4] => 医療技術職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 62152 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 62153 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 62154 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 栄養士・調理師・調理員 ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 雇用形態 [2] => 正職員 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 年齢制限あり(18歳以上〜59歳以下) 栄養士免許、調理師免許あれば尚可 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => ◎病院における調理業務(厨房内業務) ・下処理、調理、盛り付け、配膳、食器洗浄等 変更範囲:法人の定める業務 ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => 【給与】  基本給:160,000円~215,880円  その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 【昇給】  定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) 【賞与】  病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 【変形労働時間制(1ヶ月単位)】  (1)4時00分〜13時00分  (2)6時00分〜16時00分  (3)9時00分〜18時00分 【就業時間に関する特記事項】  (4)9時30分〜18時30分  (5)9時30分〜19時00分   ※(4)と(5)の交替制になります。 【休憩時間】  (2)120分、(5)90分、それ以外60分 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [9] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => 病院見学やその他のお問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課  担当:福留(099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 62155 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 62156 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 62157 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => /datas/page/2239/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 62158 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 62159 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 62160 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 62161 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 62162 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => 160000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 62163 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => 215880 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 62164 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 62165 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 62166 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 62167 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 62168 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => 栄養士、調理師 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 62169 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 62170 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 62171 [page_id] => 2239 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] => ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] => ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2201 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 36 [rank] => 10 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-07-02 11:31:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 医師(麻酔科) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-07-02 11:36:05 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=2201 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 60149 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => Array ( [1] => 医師 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 60150 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 60151 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 60152 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 医師(麻酔科医) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 年齢不問 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 麻酔業務をメインとし、その他付随する業務に従事していただきます。 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => 年俸制(※法人規程による) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※日当直あり ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => お問合せは、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課 担当:福留(099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 60153 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 60154 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 60155 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => /datas/page/2201/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 60156 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 60157 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 60158 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => YEAR [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 60159 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 60160 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 60161 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 60162 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 60163 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 60164 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 60165 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 60166 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 60167 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 60168 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 60169 [page_id] => 2201 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>医師(麻酔科) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>医師(麻酔科) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2200 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 36 [rank] => 11 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-07-02 11:19:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 医師(放射線科) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-07-02 11:30:14 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=2200 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 60108 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => Array ( [1] => 医師 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 60109 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 60110 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 60111 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 医師(放射線治療専門医) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 年齢不問 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 外来・入院診療に従事していただきます。 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => 年俸制(※法人規程による) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※日当直あり (※10:00~15:00、週3日の勤務も可。その他、ご希望がありましたらご相談ください。) ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => お問合せは、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課 担当:福留(099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 60112 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 60113 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 60114 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => /datas/page/2200/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 60115 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 60116 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 60117 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => YEAR [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 60118 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 60119 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 60120 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 60121 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 60122 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 60123 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 60124 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 60125 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 60126 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 60127 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 60128 [page_id] => 2200 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>医師(放射線科) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>医師(放射線科) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2046 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 59 [rank] => 14 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-04-18 11:18:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 理学療法士(正職員・スポーツリハ) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-04-18 11:31:17 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=2046 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 48043 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => Array ( [4] => 医療技術職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 48044 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => <img alt="" src="" style="width: 1280px; height: 720px;" /> [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 48045 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 48046 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 理学療法士(正職員・スポーツリハ) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 理学療法士の国家資格を取得している方、または令和7年に取得見込みの方 経験不問 59歳以下 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 法人内の病院・施設における理学療法業務に従事していただきます。 同法人内関連病院・施設への異動も可能です。 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 応募方法 [2] => 下記の応募書類をご郵送ください。 (新卒者)  ・履歴書(写真貼付)  ・卒業見込み証明書又は卒業証明書  ・成績証明書  ・資格証写し(国家資格を既に取得されている方のみ) (経験者)  ・履歴書(写真貼付)  ・資格証写し (※ 履歴書は 所定の様式はありませんので学校または市販の物をご使用ください) 【郵送先】  〒890-0064 鹿児島市鴨池新町6-4  公益財団法人慈愛会 法人事業本部総務人事課  ※封筒に「リハビリスタッフ応募書類在中」と朱書きしてください。 ※右下の「応募情報」のボタンをクリックして郵送完了の旨ご連絡ください。  入力していただいたメールアドレスへ受験案内を送信いたします。  お手数ですが、忘れずにお送りいただきますようお願いします。 ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => 1.給与 【3年制養成校・夜間部卒業者】  ○初任給(定例給与)   基本給  216,900円    ※実務5年経験程度の方のモデル(参考)   基本給  231,100円 -------------------------------------------------------------- 【4年制養成校・大学卒業者】  ○初任給(定例給与)   基本給  221,300円    ※実務5年経験程度の方のモデル(参考)   基本給  235,500円 -------------------------------------------------------------- *定例給与に下記が加算されます。  ・その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円       通勤手当:上限50,000円       時間外手当等 2.昇給   定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(毎年7月) 3.賞与   病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 公益財団法人慈愛会が運営する下記の各病院・施設の中から、応募者の希望を考慮して決定します。また、採用後に適性や希望に応じて異動となる場合もあります。 ・今村総合病院 慈愛会リハビリ部として上記以外の施設を含めて、各疾患の急性期・回復期・生活期まで経験できます。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時間制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所/病児保育一部あり(詳細はお問合せください) ・職員寮一部あり(詳細はお問合せください) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [9] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => 病院見学やその他お問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 リハビリ室 担当:浜田(TEL:080-4418-8243(8:30~20:00)) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 48047 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 48048 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 48049 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => /datas/page/2046/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 48050 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 48051 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 48052 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 48053 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 48054 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => 216900 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 48055 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => 277160 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 48056 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 48057 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 48058 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => professional certificate ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 48059 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 48060 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => 理学療法士 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 48061 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 48062 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所/病児保育一部あり(詳細はお問合せください) ・職員寮一部あり(詳細はお問合せください) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 48063 [page_id] => 2046 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 見学・お問い合わせ [3] => ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 応募情報(応募書類の郵送完了のご連絡はこちら) [3] => ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2044 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 59 [rank] => 16 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-04-17 12:53:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 事務 総務課(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-04-17 13:11:10 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=2044 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 47651 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => Array ( [6] => 事務職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 47652 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 47653 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 47654 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 事務 総務課(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 59歳以下 ※パソコン(エクセル・ワード)操作が可能な方 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 ○総合病院の総務課における事務業務全般 ・パソコン入力作業 ・資料作成 ・電話対応 ○その他付随する業務 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:170,000円~219,040円 その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => 病院見学やその他お問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課 担当:福留(TEL:099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 47655 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 47656 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 47657 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => /datas/page/2044/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 47658 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 47659 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 47660 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 47661 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 47662 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => 170000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 47663 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => 219040 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 47664 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 47665 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 47666 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 47667 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 47668 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 47669 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => パソコン(エクセル・ワード)操作が可能な方 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 47670 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 47671 [page_id] => 2044 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>事務 総務課(正職員) ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>事務 総務課(正職員) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1951 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 59 [rank] => 19 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-22 14:27:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 事務 秘書課(パート) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-10-07 14:29:24 [created_date] => 2024-03-22 14:32:19 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1951 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40792 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => Array ( [6] => 事務職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40793 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40794 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40795 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 事務 秘書課(パート) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 不問 ※パソコン(エクセル・ワード)操作が可能な方 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 ・医師のスケジュール管理   ・アポイント調整 ・Web面談の準備      ・来客対応 ・業績管理          ・公的研究費補助 ・各種資料作成        ・その他付随する業務 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:970円~1,230円 その他:住宅手当・扶養手当・育英手当は、パート職員就業規則の規定に該当する場合は支給 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(4月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年2回実施(6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) ​​​​​​​【変更の範囲】 ​​​​​​​法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 9:00~16:00(勤務時間は相談可です。) ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※その他については、面接時にご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => ・年次有給休暇:勤務形態に応じて付与 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:労働〔雇用(週20時間以上)・労災〕保険 ・任意制度:鹿児島県病院企業年金基金(社会保険加入者のみ)等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => 病院見学やその他お問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課 担当:福留(TEL:099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40796 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40797 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40798 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => /datas/page/1951/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40799 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40800 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40801 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => HOUR [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40802 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40803 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => 970 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40804 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => 1230 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40805 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => Array ( [2] => PART_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40806 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40807 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40808 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => 9:00~16:00(勤務時間は相談可です) [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40809 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40810 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40811 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => ・社会保険制度:労働〔雇用(週20時間以上)・労災〕保険 ・任意制度:鹿児島県病院企業年金基金(社会保険加入者のみ)等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40812 [page_id] => 1951 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>秘書課(パート) ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>事務 秘書課(パート) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1950 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 36 [rank] => 20 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-22 14:21:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 事務 秘書課(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-03-22 14:27:21 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1950 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40771 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => Array ( [6] => 事務職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40772 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40773 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40774 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 事務 秘書課(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 59歳以下 ※パソコン(エクセル・ワード)操作が可能な方 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 ・医師のスケジュール管理   ・アポイント調整 ・Web面談の準備      ・来客対応 ・業績管理          ・公的研究費補助 ・各種資料作成        ・その他付随する業務 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:170,000円~219,040円 その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => 病院見学やその他お問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課 担当:福留(TEL:099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40775 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40776 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40777 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => /datas/page/1950/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40778 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40779 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40780 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40781 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40782 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => 170000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40783 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => 219040 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40784 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40785 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40786 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40787 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40788 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40789 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => パソコン(エクセル・ワード)操作が可能な方 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40790 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40791 [page_id] => 1950 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>秘書課(正職員) ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 非公開 [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>事務 秘書課(正職員) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1949 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 36 [rank] => 21 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-22 14:14:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => システムエンジニア(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-03-22 14:20:48 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1949 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40750 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => Array ( [6] => 事務職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40751 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40752 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40753 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => システムエンジニア(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => システムエンジニアとして経験のある方で59歳以下 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 電子カルテ・医事請求他、システムの保守管理 ネットワークシステムの保守管理 コンピューター及び周辺機器の管理 その他付随する業務 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:170,000円~219,040円 特別勤務手当:50,000円 その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 問合せ [2] => 病院見学やその他のお問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課 担当:福留(099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40754 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40755 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40756 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => /datas/page/1949/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40757 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40758 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40759 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40760 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40761 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => 170000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40762 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => 219040 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40763 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40764 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40765 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40766 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40767 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40768 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => システムエンジニアとして経験のある方 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40769 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40770 [page_id] => 1949 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>システムエンジニア ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 非公開 [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>システムエンジニア ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1948 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 36 [rank] => 22 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-22 14:08:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 医療事務(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-03-22 14:14:46 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1948 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40729 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => Array ( [6] => 事務職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40730 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40731 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40732 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 医療事務(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 59歳以下 ※病院の医療事務として経験があれば尚可 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 保険請求業務、受付業務、会計業務 その他付随する業務 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:170,000円~219,040円 その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => (1)~(4)外来担当はシフト制で日祝日勤務あり (1)8:30~17:30  (2)10:00~19:00 (3)11:00~20:00  (4)11:30~20:30 ※外来担当以外 (1)8:30~17:30(月~金)  (2)8:30~12:30(土) ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40733 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40734 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40735 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => /datas/page/1948/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40736 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40737 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40738 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40739 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40740 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => 170000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40741 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => 219040 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40742 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40743 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40744 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40745 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => (1)~(4)外来担当はシフト制で日祝日勤務あり (1)8:30~17:30  (2)10:00~19:00 (3)11:00~20:00  (4)11:30~20:30  ※外来担当以外 (1)8:30~17:30(月~金)  (2)8:30~12:30(土) [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40746 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40747 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40748 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40749 [page_id] => 1948 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>医療事務(正職員) ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 非公開 [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>医療事務(正職員) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1947 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 36 [rank] => 23 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-22 13:55:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 医師事務補助者(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-03-22 14:08:18 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1947 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40688 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => Array ( [6] => 事務職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40689 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40690 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40691 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 医師事務補助者(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 59歳以下 ※パソコン(エクセル・ワード)の操作が可能な方 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 医師の指示に基づく診断書等の文書作成補助 ・診療補助 その他付随する業務 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:170,000円~219,040円 その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40692 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40693 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40694 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => /datas/page/1947/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40695 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40696 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40697 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40698 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40699 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => 170000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40700 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => 219040 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40701 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40702 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40703 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40704 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40705 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40706 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => パソコン(エクセル・ワード)の操作が可能な方 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40707 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40708 [page_id] => 1947 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>医師事務補助者(正職員) ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 非公開 [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>医師事務補助者(正職員) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1946 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 36 [rank] => 24 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-22 12:52:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 診療情報管理士(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-03-22 12:53:59 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1946 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40647 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => Array ( [6] => 事務職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40648 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40649 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40650 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 診療情報管理士(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 診療情報管理士の資格をもつ59歳以下 ※パソコン(エクセル・ワード)操作可能な方 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 病院における診療情報管理業務 ・診療情報管理に関する業務全般 ・DPC関連、院内がん登録、NCD登録等 ・その他付随する業務 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:170,000円~219,040円 その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 問合せ [2] => 病院見学やその他のお問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課 担当:福留(099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40651 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40652 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40673 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => /datas/page/1946/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40653 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40654 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40655 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40656 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40657 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => 170000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40658 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => 219040 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40659 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40660 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40661 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => professional certificate ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40662 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40663 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => 診療情報管理士 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40664 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => パソコン(エクセル・ワード)の操作が可能な方 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40665 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40666 [page_id] => 1946 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>診療情報管理士(正職員) ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 非公開 [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>診療情報管理士(正職員) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1945 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 36 [rank] => 25 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-22 12:43:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 薬剤助手(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-03-22 12:47:10 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1945 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40626 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => Array ( [4] => 医療技術職 [6] => 助手職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40627 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40628 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40629 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 薬剤助手(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 59歳以下 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 一般事務(薬剤師補助業務) ・医薬品検品、納品、物品管理、処方箋処理業務など *資格・経験は不要です。 変更の範囲:法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:160,000円~205,920円 その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 問合せ [2] => 病院見学やその他のお問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課 担当:福留(099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40630 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40631 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40632 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => /datas/page/1945/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40633 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40634 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40635 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40636 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40637 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => 160000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40638 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => 205920 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40639 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40640 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40641 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40642 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40643 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40644 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40645 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40646 [page_id] => 1945 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] => ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1944 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 59 [rank] => 26 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-21 18:55:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => がん相談支援センター相談員(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-03-21 18:59:39 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1944 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40583 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => Array ( [4] => 医療技術職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40584 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40585 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40586 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => がん相談支援センター相談員(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 59歳以下 (※がん相談支援センター相談員研修3 資格取得者優遇) ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 がん診療連携拠点病院等の整備に関する指針に基づく業務 ・がんの病態、標準的治療等がん診療及びがんの予防・早期発見等に関する一般的な情報の提供 ・がん患者の療養上の相談 ・就労に関する相談 ・相談支援センターの広報、周知活動 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:170,000円~219,040円 その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 ​​​​​​​法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※所定の労働日、休日、始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40587 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40588 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40589 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => /datas/page/1944/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40590 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40591 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40592 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40593 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40594 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => 170000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40595 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => 219040 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40596 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40597 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40598 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40599 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40600 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40601 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => がん相談支援センター相談員研修3 資格取得者優遇 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40602 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40603 [page_id] => 1944 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>がん相談支援センター相談員 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>がん相談支援センター相談員 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1943 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 59 [rank] => 27 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-21 18:52:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => がん相談支援センター相談員(要資格・正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-03-21 18:55:40 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1943 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40562 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => Array ( [4] => 医療技術職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40563 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40564 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40565 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => がん相談支援センター相談員(要資格)(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 看護師又は社会福祉士又は臨床心理士又はがん相談支援センター相談員研修3のいずれかの資格をもつ 59歳以下 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 がん診療連携拠点病院等の整備に関する指針に基づく業務 ・がんの病態、標準的治療等がん診療及びがんの予防・早期発見等に関する一般的な情報の提供 ・がん患者の療養上の相談 ・就労に関する相談 ・相談支援センターの広報、周知活動 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:185,000円~262,840円 その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※所定の労働日、休日、始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40566 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40567 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40568 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => /datas/page/1943/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40569 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40570 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40571 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40572 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40573 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => 185000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40574 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => 262840 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40575 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40576 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40577 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => no requirements ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40578 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40579 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => 看護師又は社会福祉士又は臨床心理士又はがん相談支援センター相談員研修3のいずれかの資格 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40580 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => がん相談支援センター相談員研修3 資格取得者優遇 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40581 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40582 [page_id] => 1943 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>がん相談支援センター相談員(要資格) ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>がん相談支援センター相談員(要資格) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1942 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 59 [rank] => 28 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-21 18:45:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 精神保健福祉士(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-03-21 18:50:45 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1942 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40541 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => Array ( [4] => 医療技術職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40542 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40543 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40544 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 精神保健福祉士(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 精神保健福祉士の資格をもつ 59歳以下 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 精神科病棟での勤務 相談援助業務及び入退院支援業務 その他付随する業務 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:185,000円~237,160円 その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => 病院見学やその他のお問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課 担当:福留(099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40545 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40546 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40547 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => /datas/page/1942/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40548 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40549 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40550 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40551 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40552 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => 185000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40553 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => 237160 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40554 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40555 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40556 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => professional certificate ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40557 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40558 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => 精神保健福祉士 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40559 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40560 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40561 [page_id] => 1942 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>精神保健福祉士(正職員) ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>精神保健福祉士(正職員) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1941 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 59 [rank] => 29 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-21 18:34:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 言語聴覚士(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-03-21 18:42:42 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1941 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40518 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => Array ( [4] => 医療技術職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40519 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => <img alt="" src="" style="width: 1280px; height: 720px;" /> [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40520 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40521 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 言語聴覚士(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 言語聴覚士の国家資格を取得している方 または令和7年3月に取得見込みの方 59歳以下 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => はじめは、今村総合病院(鴨池新町)回復期・急性期での言語聴覚療法業務に従事していただきます。同法人内関連病院・施設への異動も可能です。 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 応募方法 [2] => 下記の応募書類をご郵送ください。 (新卒者)  ・履歴書(写真貼付)  ・卒業見込み証明書又は卒業証明書  ・成績証明書  ・資格証写し(国家資格を既に取得されている方のみ) (経験者)  ・履歴書(写真貼付)  ・資格証写し (※ 履歴書は 所定の様式はありませんので学校または市販の物をご使用ください) 【郵送先】  〒890-0064 鹿児島市鴨池新町6-4  公益財団法人慈愛会 法人事業本部総務人事課  ※封筒に「リハビリスタッフ応募書類在中」と朱書きしてください。 ※右下の「応募情報」のボタンをクリックして郵送完了の旨ご連絡ください。  入力していただいたメールアドレスへ受験案内を送信いたします。  お手数ですが、忘れずにお送りいただきますようお願いします。 ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => 1.給与 【3年制養成校・夜間部卒業者】  ○初任給(定例給与)   基本給  216,900円    ※実務5年経験程度の方のモデル(参考)   基本給  231,100円 -------------------------------------------------------------- 【4年制養成校・大学卒業者】  ○初任給(定例給与)   基本給  221,300円    ※実務5年経験程度の方のモデル(参考)   基本給  235,500円 -------------------------------------------------------------- *定例給与に下記が加算されます。  ・その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円       通勤手当:上限50,000円       時間外手当等 2.昇給   定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(毎年7月) 3.賞与   病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 公益財団法人慈愛会が運営する下記の各病院・施設の中から、応募者の希望を考慮して決定します。また、採用後に適性や希望に応じて異動となる場合もあります。 ・今村総合病院 ・いづろ今村病院 ・愛と結の街 慈愛会リハビリ部として上記以外の施設を含めて、各疾患の急性期・回復期・生活期まで経験できます。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※所定の労働日・休日・始業終業時刻は勤務表により決定し、週平均の労働時間を法定労働時間以内に設定。 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所/病児保育一部あり(詳細はお問合せください) ・職員寮一部あり(詳細はお問合せください) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [9] => Array ( [1] => 問い合わせ [2] => 病院見学やその他お問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 リハビリ室 担当:浜田(TEL:080-4418-8243(8:30~20:00)) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40522 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40523 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40524 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => /datas/page/1941/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40525 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40526 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) [1] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 892-0824 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市堀江町 [5] => 17-1 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 891-0111 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市小原町 [5] => 8-3 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40527 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40528 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40529 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => 216900 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40530 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => 277160 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40531 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40532 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40533 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => professional certificate ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40534 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40535 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => 言語聴覚士 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40536 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40537 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所/病児保育一部あり(詳細はお問合せください) ・職員寮一部あり(詳細はお問合せください) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40538 [page_id] => 1941 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 見学・お問い合わせ [3] => ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 応募情報(応募書類の郵送完了のご連絡はこちら) [3] => ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1940 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [account_id] => 59 [rank] => 30 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-03-21 17:56:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 社会福祉士(正職員) [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-09-11 14:04:06 [created_date] => 2024-03-21 17:58:31 [directory_name] => structuring [parent_id] => 1582 [url] => structuring/?id=1940 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [title] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1803 [name] => 職務の名称 [variable] => title [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => 医師 [1] => 看護職 [2] => 介護職 [3] => 医療技術職 [4] => 助手職 [5] => 事務職 [6] => その他 ) [attention] => 簡潔で読みやすい名称を指定します。求人コード、住所、日付、給与、会社名は含めないでください。 [rank] => 3 [content_id] => 40317 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => Array ( [4] => 医療技術職 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [message] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1822 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表示側) [variable] => message [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 4 [content_id] => 40318 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1798 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(構造化データ) [variable] => description [required] => 0 [field_type] => textarea [detail] => "HTML 形式での求人の詳細な説明" [attention] => description では、求人について詳細に説明します(職務、資格、スキル、業務時間、学歴に関する要件、経験に関する要件など)。description と title を同じにすることはできません。 [rank] => 5 [content_id] => 40319 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => [content_type] => textarea [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [description_table] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1823 [name] => 求人の詳細説明(表形式)(表示側/構造化データ) [variable] => description_table [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 見出し [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 内容 [column_type] => textarea [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => 表示側の場合は、表となります。構造化データの場合は、見出しと内容のテキスト文となります。 [rank] => 6 [content_id] => 40320 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 職種 [2] => 社会福祉士(正職員) ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 応募資格 [2] => 社会福祉士の資格をもつ 59歳以下 ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 職務内容 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 相談援助業務及び入退院支援業務 その他付随する業務 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める業務 ) [3] => Array ( [1] => 給与 [2] => ・給与 基本給:185,000円~237,160円 その他/住宅手当:上限20,000円 通勤手当:上限50,000円 扶養手当等 ・昇給 定期昇給時期に合わせ、年1回実施(7月実施) ・賞与 病院業績や個人業績などを考慮して年3回実施(4月・6月・12月) ) [4] => Array ( [1] => 勤務地 [2] => 【雇入れ直後】 今村総合病院(鹿児島市鴨池新町) 【変更の範囲】 法人の定める病院・施設 ) [5] => Array ( [1] => 勤務時間 [2] => 8:30~17:30 ※子育て・介護による時短制度あり ※働き方についてはご相談ください。 ) [6] => Array ( [1] => 休暇 [2] => 年間休日115日 ・年次有給休暇:初年度10日付与。残日数は20日を限度として翌年繰り越し。 ※半日、時間休などフレキシブルな取り方も可能です。 ・特別休暇:忌引休暇、結婚休暇、産前・産後休暇、出産時特別休暇(父親)、育児休暇、介護休業制度等 ) [7] => Array ( [1] => 福利厚生 [2] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 ) [8] => Array ( [1] => 問合せ [2] => 病院見学やその他のお問合せなど、下記連絡先へお気軽にご相談ください。 ◇今村総合病院 総務課 担当:福留(099-251-2221) ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_name] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1799 [name] => 求人をしている組織_名称 [variable] => Organization_name [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 会社名を指定する必要があります(例: “Starbucks, Inc”)。所在地は含めないでください(例: “Starbucks on Main Street”)。 [rank] => 7 [content_id] => 40321 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => 今村総合病院 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_sameAs] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1800 [name] => 求人をしている組織_URL [variable] => Organization_sameAs [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_url [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 8 [content_id] => 40322 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => [content_type] => input_url [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Organization_logo] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1801 [name] => 求人をしている組織_ロゴ [variable] => Organization_logo [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_file [detail] => "" [attention] => 特定の組織用のロゴを表示できます。JobPosting 構造化データの場合、画像の幅と高さの比率は 0.75~2.5 にする必要があります。 [rank] => 9 [content_id] => 40423 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => /datas/page/1940/page_1801.png [content_type] => input_file [content_size] => 3403 [content_mime] => image/png ) [PropertyValue_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1809 [name] => 求人をしている組織_求人コード [variable] => PropertyValue_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人に関する採用側組織の一意の識別子 [rank] => 10 [content_id] => 40323 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [Place] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1802 [name] => 勤務地(複数可) [variable] => Place [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 国 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => JP [1] => US ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => 郵便番号 [column_type] => input_tel [column_detail] => ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => 都道府県 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 鹿児島県 ) ) [3] => Array ( [column_id] => 4 [column_name] => 市区町村 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) [4] => Array ( [column_id] => 5 [column_name] => 番地 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => オフィスや作業現場など、従業員の職場となる特定の場所(求人情報を投稿した場所ではない) [rank] => 11 [content_id] => 40324 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => JP [2] => 890-0064 [3] => 鹿児島県 [4] => 鹿児島市鴨池新町 [5] => 11-23 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_unitText] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1804 [name] => 給与_単位 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_unitText [required] => 0 [field_type] => select [detail] => Array ( [0] => HOUR [1] => DAY [2] => WEEK [3] => MONTH [4] => YEAR ) [attention] => 例)HOUR/1時間あたり、DAY/1日あたり、WEEK/1週間あたり、MONTH/1ヶ月あたり、YEAR/1年あたり [rank] => 12 [content_id] => 40325 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => MONTH [content_type] => select [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_value] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1805 [name] => 給与_額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_value [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => 〇〇円~〇〇円とする場合、こちらに入力しないで下さい。 [rank] => 13 [content_id] => 40326 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_minValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1806 [name] => 給与_最低額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_minValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 14 [content_id] => 40327 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => 185000 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [MonetaryAmount_maxValue] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1807 [name] => 給与_最高額 [variable] => MonetaryAmount_maxValue [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_number [detail] => "" [attention] => [rank] => 15 [content_id] => 40328 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => 237160 [content_type] => input_number [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [employmentType] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1808 [name] => 雇用形態 [variable] => employmentType [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => FULL_TIME [1] => PART_TIME [2] => CONTRACTOR [3] => TEMPORARY [4] => INTERN [5] => VOLUNTEER [6] => PER_DIEM [7] => OTHER ) [attention] => FULL_TIME: フルタイム PART_TIME: パートタイム CONTRACTOR: 契約社員 TEMPORARY: 派遣社員 INTERN: インターンシップ VOLUNTEER: ボランティア PER_DIEM: 日雇い OTHER: その他 [rank] => 16 [content_id] => 40329 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => Array ( [1] => FULL_TIME ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [validThrough] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1810 [name] => 求人の有効期限 [variable] => validThrough [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_date [detail] => "" [attention] => 求人情報に有効期限がない場合や、求人情報がいつ期限切れになるかがわからない場合は、このプロパティを指定しないでください。求人情報が期限切れになる前に採用が決まった場合は、求人情報を削除してください。 [rank] => 17 [content_id] => 40330 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => [content_type] => input_date [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [educationRequirements_credentialCategory] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1811 [name] => 必要な学歴(googleベータ版) [variable] => educationRequirements_credentialCategory [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 必要な学歴名 [column_type] => select [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => no requirements [1] => high school [2] => associate degree [3] => bachelor degree [4] => professional certificate [5] => postgraduate degree ) ) ) [attention] => high school: 高校卒 associate degree: 準学士号 bachelor degree: 学士号 professional certificate: 認定資格 postgraduate degree: 大学院修了 [rank] => 18 [content_id] => 40331 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => professional certificate ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [workHours] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1812 [name] => 勤務時間(google未対応) [variable] => workHours [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "10:00~24:00の間で希望シフト制(正社員は実働8時間、業務委託は週2日~1日4時間~)" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 19 [content_id] => 40332 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => 8:30~17:30 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [qualifications] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1813 [name] => 資格(google未対応) [variable] => qualifications [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "普通自動車免許" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 20 [content_id] => 40333 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => 社会福祉士 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [skills] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1814 [name] => スキル(google未対応) [variable] => skills [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 21 [content_id] => 40334 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [jobBenefits] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1815 [name] => 福利厚生(google未対応) [variable] => jobBenefits [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_text [detail] => "・インセンティブあり ・指名料バック ・社員登用あり ・研修制度 ・副業可" [attention] => schema.org構造化 [rank] => 22 [content_id] => 40335 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => ・社会保険制度:健康保険・厚生年金・労働(雇用・労災)保険 ・任意制度:退職金(満3年以上)・鹿児島県病院企業年金基金・財形貯蓄・退職積立金・借入金制度等 ・保育所・病児保育あり ・職員寮あり(女性限定) ・ユニフォーム貸与 [content_type] => input_text [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [links] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1926 [name] => 応募フォームリンクボタン設置(表示側) [variable] => links [required] => 0 [field_type] => table [detail] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [column_id] => 1 [column_name] => 公開/非公開 [column_type] => input_radio [column_detail] => Array ( [0] => 公開する [1] => 非公開 ) ) [1] => Array ( [column_id] => 2 [column_name] => ボタン名 [column_type] => input_text [column_detail] => ボタン名を入力 ) [2] => Array ( [column_id] => 3 [column_name] => リンク先 [column_type] => input_url [column_detail] => ) ) [attention] => [rank] => 23 [content_id] => 40336 [page_id] => 1940 [value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 部門紹介 [3] => ) [1] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => お問い合わせ [3] =>社会福祉士(正職員) ) [2] => Array ( [1] => 公開する [2] => 病院見学応募フォーム [3] =>社会福祉士 ) ) [content_type] => table [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) ) [post] => [id] => [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1606 [navigation_ids] => [format_type] => [page_id] => [release_kbn] => 1 [content_id] => [field_id] => [field_value] => [module_id] => [content_type] => [content_value] => [content_values] => [keyword] => [preview_post] => [page_url] => ) ) 1

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