stdClass Object ( [id] => 1310 [parent_id] => 1028 [site_id] => 6 [account_id] => [rank] => 12 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [format_type] => listFormat [format_id] => [name] => お知らせ [catch] => [comment] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [directory_name] => information [template_name] => 2column_fixedFormat.tpl [url] => [page_limit] => 20 [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-10-22 13:37:53 [created_date] => 2022-09-26 13:26:01 [site_directory] => imamura-general [domain] => [uri] => /var/www/html/site/imamura-general/about-hospital/information [structures] => host\cms\repository\pageStructureRepository Object ( [_status] => 1 [_message] => [_valid] => [_invalid] => [_lastId] => [select:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => ps.*, m.module_theme, m.module_type, m.template, as account_name [from:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => page_structure_tbl ps LEFT JOIN m_page_module_tbl m ON ps.module_id = LEFT JOIN account_tbl ac ON ps.account_id = [where:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => ps.delete_kbn IS NULL [1] => ps.site_id = :site_id [2] => ps.navigation_id = :navigation_id [3] => ps.release_kbn = :release_kbn AND (ps.release_start_date IS NULL || DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%Y-%m-%d') >= DATE_FORMAT(ps.release_start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')) AND (ps.release_end_date IS NULL || DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%Y-%m-%d') <= DATE_FORMAT(ps.release_end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')) ) ) [value:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [:site_id] => 6 [:navigation_id] => 1310 [:release_kbn] => 1 ) [page] => 0 [limit] => [order:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => ps.rank ASC [group_by:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_separator:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [json_decode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [rowNumber] => 1 [totalNumber] => 1 [pageNumber] => 0 [pageRange] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [row] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2738 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1310 [module_id] => 268 [account_id] => [rank] => 0 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => [release_end_date] => [name] => お知らせテンプレート [html] => <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li> <span class="badge bg-primary">2022年11月02日</span> <h2 class="text-center py-5"> 只今、配信の記事はありません。 </h2> </li> </ul> <div class="text-center d-flex justify-content-center pb-3"> <ul class="pagination pagination-sm m-0" style="z-index:0"> <li class="page-item disabled"> <a class="page-link" href="?">«</a> </li> <li class="page-item active"> <a class="page-link" href="?&amp;p=0">1</a> </li> <li class="page-item disabled"> <a class="page-link" href="?&amp;p=-1">»</a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="text-center small text-muted"> 全0件中 0件を表示(1ページあたり20を表示) </p> [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2022-11-02 16:02:48 [created_date] => 2022-11-02 16:02:48 [module_theme] => default [module_type] => template [template] => list_news.tpl [account_name] => [data] => stdClass Object ( ) ) ) [post] => [id] => [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1310 [module_id] => [release_kbn] => 1 [site_uri] => [preview_page_post] => [preview_structure_post] => ) [elements] => host\cms\repository\pageRepository Object ( [_status] => 1 [_message] => [_valid] => [_invalid] => [_lastId] => [select:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => p.*, n.directory_name, n.parent_id [from:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => page_tbl p LEFT JOIN page_content_tbl c ON p.site_id = c.site_id AND = c.page_id LEFT JOIN navigation_tbl n ON p.site_id = n.site_id AND p.navigation_id = [where:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => p.delete_kbn IS NULL AND c.delete_kbn IS NULL [1] => = :id [2] => p.site_id = :site_id [3] => p.navigation_id = :navigation_id [4] => p.release_kbn = :release_kbn AND (p.release_start_date IS NULL || now() >= p.release_start_date) AND (p.release_end_date IS NULL || now() <= p.release_end_date) ) ) [value:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => Array ( [:id] => 2204 [:site_id] => 6 [:navigation_id] => 1310 [:release_kbn] => 1 ) [page] => 0 [limit] => 20 [order:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => p.release_start_date DESC [group_by:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [explode_separator:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [json_decode_columns:host\cms\repository\dbRepository:private] => [rowNumber] => 1 [totalNumber] => 1 [pageNumber] => 1 [pageRange] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [row] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2204 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1310 [account_id] => 36 [rank] => 37 [release_kbn] => 1 [release_start_date] => 2024-07-03 17:21:00 [release_end_date] => [name] => 【医師募集のお知らせ】麻酔科・放射線科 [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [delete_kbn] => [update_date] => 2024-10-10 15:30:37 [created_date] => 2024-07-02 17:40:27 [directory_name] => information [parent_id] => 1028 [url] => information/?id=2204 [page_url] => [fields] => Array ( [1617] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1617 [name] => カテゴリ [variable] => [required] => 0 [field_type] => input_checkbox [detail] => Array ( [0] => お知らせ [1] => 採用情報 ) [attention] => [rank] => 84 [content_id] => 60364 [page_id] => 2204 [value] => Array ( [2] => 採用情報 ) [content_type] => input_checkbox [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) [1348] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 1348 [name] => 内容 [variable] => [required] => [field_type] => textarea_ckeditor [detail] => [attention] => [rank] => 87 [content_id] => 60365 [page_id] => 2204 [value] => 麻酔科・放射線科の医師を募集しております。<br /> 詳しくは<a href=";"><span style="color:#2980b9;"><strong>こちら</strong></span></a> <br /> <br /> &nbsp; [content_type] => textarea_ckeditor [content_size] => [content_mime] => ) ) ) ) [post] => [id] => 2204 [site_id] => 6 [navigation_id] => 1310 [navigation_ids] => [format_type] => [page_id] => [release_kbn] => 1 [content_id] => [field_id] => [field_value] => [module_id] => [content_type] => [content_value] => [content_values] => [keyword] => [preview_post] => [page_url] => ) ) 1


  • 2024.07.03 採用情報




全1件中 1件を表示(1ページあたり20を表示)